Effect of Soil Improvement on Seismic Behaviors of Anchored Sheet Pile Walls Embedded in Liquefiable Sites

Abstract: Dynamic response of anchored sheet pile quay walls embedded in liquefaction-susceptible soil was investigated numerically utilizing the strain space plasticity model for cyclic mobility available in DIANA finite element program. Based on the results, the extension of liquefiable soil around the wall root leads to the “failure at embedment” mode. The remediation method by deep Vibro-compaction of the weak area is considered as the liquefaction countermeasure. The effectiveness of soil improvement in zones adjacent to the embedded section is discussed based on analytical dynamic responses. Implemented countermeasures are found to considerably reduce deformations of the wall. The compacting of this section not only reduces the driving moment applied to the wall root but also creates a resistant moment against root escaping. In addition to the impacts of base acceleration amplitude, the optimum extension of improved zones is introduced.