Investigating the Smart System Function of Injecting Fluid from Tanks to Well

Abstract: Mud drilling is a combination of organic and inorganic chemicals made in the form of liquid and used in the drilling industry to move the piles to the surface, to control the pressure, to make unbonded walls, and to lubricate, etc. [1]. Developing the advanced digging, especially petroleum and gas wells, the drilling mud wealth has come so high that it is called blood drilling, and nowadays it is impossible to drill without mud, just like to live without water. At the moment, injection of drilling fluids in petroleum and gas extraction derricks, such as pile (a high-viscosity drilling mud), should be executed in coordination with testers of the mud tanks, and line up the mud path, as well as the measurement of the level of the tanks using the meter, and This is done manually, which involves a lot of energy and time, as well as human errors in determining the level of tanks and the amount of mud in them. The solution to address the problem mentioned above is the use of a smart system of fluid injection from tanks to the well. If the system is used in accordance with the necessity of the time, as well as the importance of the absence of human errors in the drilling industry, it is possible to highly minimize the time to perform fluid injection operations without human error. It should be noted that the system mentioned above has a patent certificate with the number 92733 from the Industrial Property Organization of Iran.