Investigation of Settlement and Heave Induced by Pile Driving

Abstract: Impact hammers and vibratory drivers are used for piles and sheet pile installation. Dynamic loads force piles to vibrate and penetrate into the ground which results in soil displacements and vibrations around a pile. The soil movements may produce settlements in sandy soils, heave, and lateral displacement toward the existing nearby foundations in clay soils. The most common factor for the assessment of ground vibrations during pile driving is peak particle velocity, PPV. The aim of this research is to present the relationship between PPV resulting from pile driving and its effects, like a settlement in sandy soils and heave in clays. For this purpose, a data bank by the collection of case histories which are including the properties of the pile driving system -soil, pile, hammer- and the effects of pile driving has been prepared. Then, the important factors influencing heave and settlement have been investigated.